I am currently working as Associate Director, Data Management for Foundation Medicine (Roche Subsidiary) at Cambridge MA, USA. I previously worked at AstraZeneca and Parexl International. Please check out my CV for details.
I have a Master in Applied Statistics and Ph.D degree in Chemistry. I have strong programming skills using R, SAS, and Python and I am interested in designing and building web application using vue.js, Flask/Python, Django, and R-Shiny. You can check my Linkedin page and my github page.

If you want to contact me, send me an email.

Outside of work, I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing, I also like to swim, play basketball, and play tennis.

R (Shiny) web application

The followings are written using R and hosted in the Rstudio’s Shiny web server.

  1. Stock chart shiny app : https://pm2014.shinyapps.io/R_stock_chart/
    The stock chart app with enhanced design : https://pm2014.shinyapps.io/stock2/
  2. A simulation for fair coin toss game (to simulate the expected number of toss to get consecutive heads): https://pm2014.shinyapps.io/coinToss/
  3. Plot the history of the average price for greater boston area cities and the forecast for the next 12 months: https://pm2014.shinyapps.io/BostonHousing/

Flask (Python) web application

  1. TJU(Tianjin University) Alumni Association at Greater Boston (TJUAA-Boston) website: http://tjuboston.org/.
    Technology: Flask hosted at Digital Ocean. API-first design.

  2. BPN(Boston Professional Networking) Website: http://www.bpnboston.com/.
    Technology: virtual hosted at Digital Ocean. API-first design.

Django (Python) web application

The followings are written using the Django web framework and hosted in a VPS.

  1. Official website for Association of Boston Chinese Golfers http://bostonchinesegolf.com/


R web application

相似的,一个抛硬币游戏的模拟 计算机模拟抛硬币过程来估算得到连续头像所平均需要的次数。
类似的,总结和预测波士顿的房子价格。 Plot the history of the average price for greater boston area cities and the forecast for the next 12 months.